Performance of Newly Listed Shares 26th March

Name Date of listing Issue Price closing  price closing price % gain loss  change over
26th Mar 19th Mar over week  lssue price
Hathway Cable 25th Feb 240.00 205.35 206.80 -0.70 -14.44
ARSS Infrastructure 3rd Mar 450.00 932.55 917.85 1.60 107.23
Texmo Pipes & Products 10th Mar 90.00 98.15 105.65 -7.10 9.06
Man Infraconstruction 11th Mar 252.00 383.00 369.10 3.77 51.98
United Bank of India 18th Mar 66.00 67.25 69.10 -2.68 1.89
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