The offer for sale from the promoters of L&T Infotech Limited which had opened on Monday the 11 th of July and closed on Wednesday the 13 th of July was oversubscribed 11.69 times. The figure of subscription does not indicate the overwhelming response it received from retail investors who subscribed the issue a massive 7.39 times. Even more significant was the fact that the number of applications received was 10,90,614 beating the recent record set by Mahanagar Gas which had received 9.93 lac forms. The confidence that L&T as a brand is borne out of this.
The HNI portion was subscribed 10.76 times and HNI 19.96 times. It appears that funding for the issue did not happen and the demand was comparatively poor as the grey market premium and the margin money required for obtaining funding would therefore not add up.
Details of the Subscription bucket wise is given below:-
Category | Bucket Size | Shares Applied for | Times oversubscribed |
QIB | 3500000 | 69668000 | 19.91 |
HNI | 2625000 | 28233260 | 10.76 |
Retail | 6125000 | 45290220 | 7.39 |
Total | 12250000 | 143191480 | 11.69 |