Dilip Buildcon Limited which is tapping the capital markets with its simultaneous offer of a fresh issue of Rs 430 crs and an offer for sale of 102.27 lac shares in a price band of Rs 210-219 received excellent response and was subscribed 20.95 times. The issue had opened on Monday the 1 st of August and closed on Wednesday the 3rd of August. The company had earlier allocated 89,58.592 shares at the top end of the price band of Rs214-219 at Rs 219 to 10 anchor investors comprising of 13 entities.
The QIB portion was subscribed 9.76 times, HNI a massive 79.64 times and retail 2.35 times. A total of 3,40,422 applications were received which saw the retail portion subscribed 2.12 times on basis of number of applications.
Category | Bucket Size | Shares Applied for | Times oversubscribed |
QIB | 6201772 | 60506550 | 9.76 |
HNI | 4548110 | 362191765 | 79.64 |
Retail | 10612256 | 24924510 | 2.35 |
Total | 21362138 | 447622825 | 20.95 |