Shares of Dilip Buildcon Limited (DBL) debuted on the BSE and NSE and clocked decent gains of 15%. The company had launched its fresh issue of Rs 430 crs and an offer for sale of 102.27 lac shares in a price band of Rs 214-219. The company had earlier allotted 89,58,592 equity shares to 10 anchor investors comprising of 13 entities at Rs 219. The issue was subscribed 20.95 times with QIB portion subscribed 9.76 times, HNI 76.79 times and retail 2.35 times.
The discovered price was Rs 240 on both the exchanges and brisk trading happened at these levels with 4.70 lacs traded on BSE and 31.72 lacs traded on NSE. The overall trading for the day was 340 lacs on the two exchanges with BSE clocking volumes of 70.58 lacs and NSE 269.35 lacs. The weighted average of the day was Rs 247 and 247.25 respectively which indicates that everybody made money. The closing price was Rs 251.95 and Rs 251.75 respectively a gain of Rs 32.95 and 32.75 or 15%.
Exchange | Open | High | Low | Close | Net Change | % Gain/loss | Wt. Avg | Volume | Delivery | Del %age |
BSE | 240.00 | 255.00 | 239.25 | 251.95 | 32.95 | 15.05 | 247.00 | 7058234 | 2956585 | 41.89 |
NSE | 240.00 | 254.80 | 240.00 | 251.75 | 32.75 | 14.95 | 247.25 | 26935252 | 9680587 | 35.94 |
Total | 33993486 | 12637172 | 37.18 |
The delivery volume was 126.37 lac shares and as a percentage of traded volume was 37.18%. If one considered this as a percentage of IPO size it was 42.32% and if one considered without the anchor portion the same was 60.46%. There was a spurt in prices and sharp rise in traded volume at the end of the day. This was borne out by the fact that two institutional investors bought shares at the end while a third bought during the day. The two that bought at the end were Abu Dhabi Investment authority which bought 15 lac shares at Rs 249.18 and Swiss Finance Corporation which bought 7.30 lac shares at Rs 250.04. The one that bought during the day was East Bridge Capital which bought 11.67 lac shares at Rs 242.17. The total shares bought by these three institutions were 33.97 lac shares which is a healthy number when compared with the total delivery of 126 lac shares.
All in all considering this was an infra company it has delivered on day one.