PNB Housing Finance Limited which is tapping the capital markets with its fresh issue to raise Rs 3,000 crs completed allocation to anchor investors. The price band is Rs 750-775. The company allotted 1,15,37,902 shares at the top end of the band of Rs 775 to 45 anchor investors comprising of 71 entities. The highest allocation has been made to Govt of Singapore who has been allotted 6,22,687 shares which is 5.40% of the anchor book. The number of anchors and the highest allocation gives an idea of the demand of the issue.
The issue opens today i.e. Tuesday the 25th of October and closes on Thursday the 27th of October 2016. There is demand for the issue and it would be oversubscribed many times over.
The complete list of anchor allotment is given below: –