The fresh issue from HPL Electric & Power Limited (HPL) for Rs 361 crs in a price band of Rs 175-202 was subscribed in the last half an hour. It received bids for 11.64 cr shares and was subscribed 8.06 times. The company had earlier allotted 53.61 lac shares to 9 anchors consisting of 13 entities.
The objects of the issue are to retire existing debt and use proceeds for working capital.
The full details of the subscription are given below: –
Category | Bucket Size | Shares Applied for | Times oversubscribed |
QIB | 4125715 | 23805320 | 5.77 |
HNI | 3094286 | 68707100 | 22.20 |
Retail | 7220000 | 23889180 | 3.31 |
Total | 14440001 | 116401600 | 8.06 |