Shares of PNB Housing Finance Limited which closed on Thursday received excellent response. The issue was oversubscribed 29.55 times. The company had tapped the capital markets with a fresh issue to raise Rs 3,000 crs in a price band of Rs 750-775. The anchor allocation had received excellent response and the company allotted 115.37 lakh shares to 45 anchor investors comprising of 71 entities. The highest allocation was to Government of Singapore of 5.40% of the anchor book.
The detailed subscription under various categories is given below: –
Category | Bucket Size | Shares Applied for | Times oversubscribed |
QIB | 7952500 | 296868008 | 37.33 |
HNI | 5962500 | 513785156 | 86.17 |
Retail | 13912500 | 18849995 | 1.35 |
Employee | 250000 | 114665 | 0.46 |
Total | 28077500 | 829617824 | 29.55 |