S.P. Apparels Limited (SPA) which had tapped the capital markets with its fresh offer for Rs 215 crs and an offer for sale of 9 lac shares in a price band of Rs 258-268 was subscribed 2.66 times. Earlier the company had allotted 26,76,865 shares to seven anchor investors at the top end of the band at Rs 268. The issue was subscribed 2.21 times by QIB’s, 5.10 times by HNI’s and 1.90 times by retail investors. There were a total opf 97,255 applications which means the retail portion in terms of number of applications is subscribed 1.71 times.
The issue opened on Tuesday the 2 nd of August and closed on Thursday the 4 th of August.
The full list of subscription is given below: –
Category | Bucket Size | Shares Applied for | Times oversubscribed |
QIB | 1939905 | 4283290 | 2.21 |
HNI | 1385010 | 7064695 | 5.10 |
Retail | 3231690 | 6125020 | 1.90 |
Total | 6556605 | 17473005 | 2.66 |